Not going to lie, its an OK game. Adds popping up here and there get annoying though. The game has the potential to become more if you fixed a few things, for starters, more rocks around the place would be a big help, then I wouldnt have to wander so far away from my base. Another thing would be to make building better.. A lot better. Its buggy and really confusing. It would be great if you could connect items together, instead of just having to guess what goes where or if an item is level with another item. Being able to practically place an item under the ground isnt really useful. The swinging is so slow for when Im gathering resources, it would be great if you could upgrade that, or just make it faster. Theres honestly not much to see in the game, its a pretty bare land, nothing much to look at, and it gets boring.
With a little work it could be a great game.
Katykatykat99 about Siberian Survival: Cold Winter, v1.2